Storing and Displaying Holiday Dishes

Over the years, I’ve gradually whittled down my collection of Christmas dishes. I have a whimsical set of gingerbread men that go into our cabinet for lunches (there are only four, sad!), and I have these beautiful snowflake dishes, the first of which were bought as a gift from a couple precious young girlfriends when my husband and I were involved in young adult ministry.  For me, bringing out these holiday dishes every year signifies the beginning of hot cocoa and carols, and I want to use them as often as we can.



The problem with holiday dishes, though, is where to store them when they’re not in use, and maybe even harder, where to keep them when they are!  This is the simplest solution ever, and I’d love to know what you think!  I keep my holiday dishes in a basket, tucked away in the attic.  Then, before Christmas decorating even starts, I can grab this basket and set it out on our buffet.  I don’t have to find space in my cabinets, and these cups and plates serve as their own decoration.  They also work as the inspiration to impromptu everyday-welcome, stopping everything to enjoy a cup of spice tea or cocoa with one of the kiddos or a neighbor.   Super fast, no-effort, and a sweet little nod to the season.   If you want to go all-out, I think this would work very well on a smaller scale with a little coffee and cocoa station, as well!  I love this little coffee station and this hot cocoa bar, and this one, and oh-mi-goodness can you believe this hot cocoa station?!  I think I’m off to create my own…


Do you have a treasured set of holiday dishes? What’s your favorite way to store and use them?

Welcome someone today. 😉



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