Curry Lime Carrot Fries

Vegetable “fries” are an easy snack to share with friends and family, and using ingredients like carrots to make these curry lime carrot fries can elevate both the flavors and the nutritional value.



When we host friends, I like to keep the meal simple but hearty, even though my tendency is to complicate everything.  (And my kids give an affirmative nod at this admission.)  But when the flavors are big but the meal is simple, somehow everyone is  sated, and the time with guests (and my time before!) can be relaxed and focused on good conversation and sweet memory-making.




[yumprint-recipe id=’1′] 


Do you have a favorite “go to” snack or side food?  What are your favorite ideas for making a meal both delicious and relaxing?



Curry Lime Carrot Fries recipe



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